Am I a Candidate for Care?
The following questionnaire will help you determine if you are a candidate for care. Please keep track of the number of times that you answer yes to any of the questions below:
Do you experience persistent or recurrent neck pain?
If you answered yes to the above question, do you also experience pain that radiates to the arm, hand, or head? Do you experience pain in the upper back? Do you get headaches? Do you have a knot under your shoulder blade? Do you ever have decreased range of motion of the neck?
Do you experience persistent or recurrent lower back pain, or pain in the hips?
If you answered yes to the above question, do you also experience pain that radiates to your legs, feet, or groin? Does your knee hurt on the same side that your back hurts? Is your back less flexible than it used to be?
Have you ever, including in your childhood, experienced a bad fall, accident, or injury which may have caused damage to your spine?
Do you know that you have one leg shorter than the other, tilted hips, a shoulder that hangs low, or a persistent tilt of your skull to one side?
Photo by DGLimages/iStock / Getty Images - Headache, persistent tilt of your skull to one side - Straight Spine Chiropractic, Courtenay and Campbell River
Has anyone told you that you walk crooked or with a limp? Does your hairdresser have trouble leveling your bangs? Does your tailor have problems hemming your pants? Does your optometrist have problems fitting your glasses?
Have you ever been diagnosed with spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, or calcium spurring of the spine?
Do you blame old age for your spinal complaints?
Have you missed any time at work because of spinal pain?
Have you given up any hobbies or activities because they irritate your spine?
Do you have heartburn, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, headaches or migraines?
Have you ever been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, herniated discs, migraine, colic or costochondritis?
Do you crack your own neck or back for relief?
Have you ever had spinal pain that lasts longer than one week?
Have you experienced episodes of spinal pain more frequently than once a year?
Have you experienced more than one episode of neck pain in a year?
Do you get headaches?
Does it hurt to put on your socks or pants because of back stiffness?
Is it difficult to shoulder check when you're driving?
Do you have any persistent knots in your back or shoulders?
If you answered yes to ANY of the above questions, you most likely are in need of an upper cervical spinal correction.